Our Engagement Photos & Story (PART 1 OF 3)

June 22nd, 2019…

…IS APPROACHING WAY FASTER THAN I THOUGHT IT WOULD. Can you believe 8 months ago (almost 9) my fiance proposed to me? He did good you guys. Have you heard the story? I’m sure you have... but let me tell you again :)

The Story:

We packed our bags and flew to France in the beginning of May 2018. It was our first European trip ever so I was extra excited and nervous. I have an aunt and uncle who have lived there for years so I it was finally time to visit them and see the house my cousins grew up in. My aunt and uncle met us Paris (they live in southern France) and showed us the entire city. I could talk on and on about how amazing Paris is but I think I’ll save that for another blog post.

My aunt finally made us explore the city alone as we had been with them the entire trip. I’ll never forget her saying “You have to go make your own memories here!”. The funny thing is- we hadn’t walked up to the Eiffel Tower yet. We hopped on the subway all by ourselves, walked up to the tower at night, and sat in the grass in front of it. It was so beautiful. It definitely did not feel real. The Eiffel Tower is something you see on TV. It’s kind of crazy being in front of it. In Adam fashion, he nervously told me to take my phone out so we could take selfies with the Tower in the background. On the third photo he pulled the ring out and I saw it in the camera. We have an on-going joke about him being my “Instagram Husband” and so in Adam fashion AGAIN he says “Can I be your official Instagram Husband?”. Right after that - boom the Eiffel Tower started to sparkle (it sparkles on the hour, every hour). If you ask Adam, that’s his favorite part. My favorite part? The fact that he proposed to me on CINCO DE MAYO IN FRANCE. After that we bar hopped and had no idea what kind of beers we were ordering. Young french people also get drunk on Cinco De Mayo if you’re wondering, so it was pretty awesome.

Below are photos from 1 of 3 “engagement photoshoots” we ended up doing. Our wedding photographer, Jenny Berliner was hosting mini sessions and so we jumped on it. I can’t tell you how much I love these photos and how excited I am to have her photograph our wedding.

Check out how dang adorable they turned out below!